Cadence Dial 2

Cadence Dial 2

An attractive dial to chart cadence.

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Free features

In free mode, this is an attractive dial display for your cadence.

Premium features

In premium mode, you get full configurability of the dial range, the zones in use, a highlighted target zone, the colours for all display elements and, of course, a comprehensive set of statistics written to your FIT file so that you can review your performance afterwards and so enhance your training.


Use a comma separated string of strides per minute or strokes per minute values, depending on the sport you are doing. 150,180 specifies 150 spm to 180 spm. You can also use "z" followed by a zone number. For example, z3 specifies a low target at the base of zone 3 and a high target at the top of zone 3. You can combine these so that z2,z4 sets a low target at the base of zone 2 and a high target at the top of zone 4.

Cadence values depend on your device’s ability to read cadence. Runners may need a Foot-pod or HR-Run strap, cyclists may need a cadence sensor.


If you supply only a single value, the dial will assume the low target is 0 and then range up to the target you supply. If you supply more than one value, the dial will take the lowest value as the dial low point and the highest value as the dial high point.


If you supply only a single value, the dial will assume the target is the low end of the target range and apply no upper limit. If you supply more than one value, the dial will take the lowest value as the low target and the highest value as the highest target.


Set up to 5 zones as a comma separated list. The list is sorted by size so that the smallest value is the base of the lowest zone and the biggest value is the top of the highest zone. You need 1 + n values to specify n zones. For example, 50,100,150,200 specifies three zones: 50 - 100, 100 - 150, 150 - 200.

NB: Please use explicit values for setting zones as using "z[zone]" may give unexpected results.

Statistics options are specified in settings by choosing a statistic set from the "Zone stats to store" list. You can also entirely disable stats storage for this field by selecting "Stats disabled".


Where a target range has been set, you can track up to two values out of:

  • "below target range" (Lo)
  • "inside target range" (Ok)
  • "above target range" (High)

These values are stored on a per lap basis as well as an entire activity basis. In addition, the targets in use will be stored (device memory permitting) for later reference.


Zone statistics store %age time in each zone on a per lap basis as well as an entire activity basis. Additionally, a graph is collected:

  • Choose "Zones with zone graph" to get %age time in each zone with a graph of zone number across the entire activity.
  • Choose "Zones with value graph" to get %age time in each zone with a graph of the value across the entire activity.


You can also choose to collect just graphs:

  • "Just zone graph" graphs your current zone across the entire activity.
  • "Just value graph" graphs the dial value across the entire activity.
  • "Graph zones and value" collects both graphs.

And finally

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